The Windmill Class Association is a non-profit governing organization. All officials are Windmill owners, who serve as volunteers. There is not a paid staff. All funds are used for communications between class owners and to support the sport of sailing - especially Windmill sailing. The Class sells construction plans and publishes an informative newsletter The Jouster which provides an interchange of rigging ideas, construction techniques and regatta reports.

According to a survey of owners, the Windmill's sustained popularity is due to three major reasons; the friendly people in the Class, the boats high performance and her attractive price. Most organized activity is concentrated in the Southern, Atlantic, New England and Mid-Western states. There is also an active fleet in California and a new fleet developing in Washington State. Internationally Windmills are actively sailed in Finland while there are also boats in many other countries.

The Windmill class newsletter The Jouster is published four times a year.
Sign up to receive the eJouster - Send email to
Please include your name in the body of the email so we know who you are.
Instead of paper in your mailbox, you will receive an email with the eJouster attached.

New Payment and Membership Form Options!

Pay Dues with PayPal
Online Membership Form

Annual membership dues are as follows.
Owners/Racers: Active/Family $40.
Builders/Supporters: Associate $20.
Click this link for the membership application form, print and complete, and mail with your check to:

Windmill Class
1200 North Garfield Street
Apt 1211
Arlington, VA 22201
Send email to Allen Chauvenet

In the listing below, the date that your dues are due is indicated in parentheses.

Years: 2008 (182 paid) 2009 (175 paid) 2010 (146 paid) 2011 (154 paid) 2012 (102 paid) 2013 (76 paid) 2014 (90 paid) 2015 (99 paid) 2016 (108 paid) 2017 (102 paid) 2018 (106 paid) 2019 (85 paid) 2020 (68 paid) 2021 (83 paid) 2022 (69 paid) 2023 (58 paid) 2024 (63 paid) 2025 (6 paid) 2026 (1 paid)

2016 dues paid

1Dave Ellis (1/2017) HONORARYyesno
2Tom Lathrop (1/2017) HONORARYyesno
3John Fragakis (1/2018)noyes
4Jim Lingeman (1/2018)noyes
6Terry & Betty Wood (1/2017)noyes
7Frank Larimer (1/2017)noyes
8Jerry Rezab (1/2017)noyes
11Alfred Swason (1/2017)noyes
262Karl Kisser (1/2018)noyes
330Scott Mueller (1/2017)noyes
821Michael Bloed (1/2017)noyes
1059Brad Attig (1/2017)noyes
1395Susan Gerr (1/2018)noyes
1500Carroll Sparwasser (1/2017)yesno
2001Al & Rosemary Felsher (1/2017)noyes
2117Jack Cartland (1/2018)yesno
2219Sam Bennett (1/2018)noyes
2793Eric Arnesen (1/2018)yesno
2798Donald King (1/2017)noyes
3026J Huberman/R Bromer (1/2018)noyes
3030Roisin/Tim McKeithan (1/2017)noyes
3049Eric Francois (1/2017)yesno
3064John Coleman (1/2018)yesno
3203Carl Oehler (1/2017)yesno
3227Graham/Brooke Alexander (1/2017)yesno
3418Lee Washburn (1/2018)yesno
3419Tom/Gina Payne (1/2017)noyes
3420Rick Beale (1/2017)yesno
3425Hal Wood (1/2018)yesno
3450Charlie Davidson/Jane Head (1/2017)yesno
3481Scott Rovanpera (1/2017)yesno
3523Jon Tushak (1/2017)yesno
3524Frank Jarecki (1/2018)yesno
3530Thomas Mellies (1/2017)yesno
3603Chuck Noon (1/2017)noyes
3650Bob Poston (1/2017)yesno
3651Sandy Sponar (1/2017)yesno
3653Steve Allen (1/2017)yesno
3667John Malone (1/2018)yesno
3735John Deimel (1/2017)yesno
3886Lon Ethington (1/2017)yesno
3932Matt Crotty (1/2017)yesno
3997Guy Le Roux (1/2017)noyes
4028Lisa Fath (1/2018)yesno
4049Sea Scout Ship 915 (1/2017)yesno
4051Alan Taylor (1/2017)yesno
4100Chris Bunge (1/2017)yesno
4200Craig Tovell (1/2017)yesno
4262Jon/Max Penders (1/2017)yesno
4350Barry Skikne (1/2018)yesno
4424Paul Hoffman (1/2017)yesno
4450Dan Claxton (1/2017)yesno
4481Bob Woithe & Family (1/2017)yesno
4489Roy Sherman (1/2017)yesno
4537Kris Johnson (1/2018)noyes
4570Ed & Carol Prebihalo (1/2017)yesno
4585Hallie Bourne (1/2018)noyes
4614Jim/Evelyn Ferguson (1/2017)yesno
4618Donna Bass (1/2017)noyes
4621Rick Fontana (1/2017)yesno
4689Tim Bachman (1/2017)yesno
4804Mike Mickelson (1/2018)yesno
4886Sea Scout Ship 915 (1/2017)yesno
4922D & B Plessner (1/2017)yesno
4947Cam Carlin (1/2017)yesno
4953Chesa Brawner (1/2018)noyes
4955Lin Robson (1/2017)yesno
5000Eric Mann (1/2017)yesno
5001Geoff Ling (1/2017)yesno
5018Paul Slemmons (1/2017)yesno
5020Miles Booth (1/2017)yesno
5044Carter Brown (1/2017)yesno
5047Roger Demler (1/2019)yesno
5048Larry Christian (1/2017)yesno
5060Matt Sponar (1/2017)yesno
5069John & Anne Danneberger (1/2018)yesno
5070Meg Gimmi (1/2017)yesno
5102Glenn McKibben (1/2017)yesno
5118Zach Kenitzer (1/2017)yesno
5123Charles Grassia (1/2017)noyes
5132Ed & Grace Yingling (1/2017)yesno
5187Tim Polaski (1/2017)yesno
5250Sarah Steward/Rye Heastings (1/2018)yesno
5252Colin Browning (1/2019)yesno
5255Lance Williams (1/2017)yesno
5275Lisa Hayes (1/2017)yesno
5380Mark/Emmie Swanson (1/2017)noyes
5399Phil Durand (1/2018)yesno
5400Dyer Harris (1/2018)yesno
5410B & J Himmelsbach (1/2017)yesno
5527Arthur Anosov (1/2018)yesno
5530Lainey White/Dave White (1/2017)yesno
5566Peter Rothman (1/2018)yesno
5567Matt & Lisa Wilson (1/2017)yesno
5574Brian Dale (1/2017)yesno
5576Darrell Sorensen (1/2017)yesno
5586Allen Chauvenet (1/2018)yesno
5589Hudson River Community Sailing (1/2017)noyes
5617Orson Smith (1/2017)noyes
5618Dale Armstrong (1/2017)noyes
5619Paul DiCarlo (1/2017)noyes
5621Brad Fox (1/2017)noyes
5622Tom Olsen (1/2018)noyes
5700Ethan Bixby (1/2017)yesno
5701Sheila/Nathanial Plant (1/2017)yesno
5702Ralph Sponar (1/2017)yesno
5703Pat Huntley (1/2017)yesno
5705Chris & Nancy Demler (1/2017)yesno
Total Paid7731