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Author: Ethan Bixby ( contact the author
Subject: Rudder group purchase
Info: (25685 views) Posted: Sunday 12-9-07 03:21:08 PM
Allen, We will have to see what the rudder builders think about thickness, but I expect them to recommend a 1" thick blade at the waterline and above. It this is the case, you will probably need new rudder hardware and that will enable you to keep your old rudder as a spare. Take a look at the APS selection of hardware at Check your pintle size. It is most likely 5/16", which is appropriate. In my opinion the Sea Sure products are really good, and they make one for 1" thick rudders with 5/16" pins. Ronstan also makes similar fittings and they are is probably easier to find, but APS doesn't list them. But use good stuff so you never have to worry about it! Ethan

:: What if I have hardware mounted on my transom...any new
:: rudder must have hardware that will fit transom
:: hardware! Could I order without hardware (and then
:: install my own) or have my own hardware sent to builder
:: with instructions as to exact location for mounting???
:: Allen Chauvenet
:: :: wood blank no finish
:: ::
:: :: :: I am gathering information on getting some new rudders
:: :: :: built. If you are interested in being part of a group
:: :: :: purchase, please email me with your preferences among
:: :: :: the following options:
:: :: ::
:: :: :: • Glass rudder, ready to mount hardware and existing
:: :: :: wood tiller?
:: ::
:: :: :: • Glass rudder, ready to mount hardware with new
:: :: :: aluminum tube tiller?
:: ::
:: :: :: • Shaped wood rudder, glassed, ready to mount hardware,
:: :: :: tiller preference?
:: ::
:: :: :: • Shaped wood rudder, ready to glass and finish?
:: ::
:: :: :: • I prefer to build my own?
:: :: ::
:: :: :: Thanks,
:: ::
:: :: :: Ethan

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