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Author: Allen Chauvenet (achauve...@gmail.com) contact the author Subject: Rudder group purchase Info: (27103 views) Posted: Tuesday 12-11-07 03:20:04 PM |
:: Allen,
:: We will have to see what the rudder builders think about
:: thickness, but I expect them to recommend a 1" thick
:: blade at the waterline and above. It this is the case,
:: you will probably need new rudder hardware and that will
:: enable you to keep your old rudder as a spare. Take a
:: look at the APS selection of hardware at
:: http://www.apsltd.com/Tree/d3000/e727.asp.
:: Check your pintle size. It is most likely 5/16", which
:: is appropriate. In my opinion the Sea Sure products are
:: really good, and they make one for 1" thick rudders with
:: 5/16" pins. Ronstan also makes similar fittings and they
:: are is probably easier to find, but APS doesn't list
:: them. But use good stuff so you never have to worry
:: about it!
:: Ethan
:: :: What if I have hardware mounted on my transom...any new
:: :: rudder must have hardware that will fit transom
:: :: hardware! Could I order without hardware (and then
:: :: install my own) or have my own hardware sent to builder
:: :: with instructions as to exact location for mounting???
:: :: Allen Chauvenet
:: ::
:: :: :: wood blank no finish
:: :: ::
:: :: :: :: I am gathering information on getting some new rudders
:: :: :: :: built. If you are interested in being part of a group
:: :: :: :: purchase, please email me with your preferences among
:: :: :: :: the following options:
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: • Glass rudder, ready to mount hardware and existing
:: :: :: :: wood tiller?
:: :: ::
:: :: :: :: • Glass rudder, ready to mount hardware with new
:: :: :: :: aluminum tube tiller?
:: :: ::
:: :: :: :: • Shaped wood rudder, glassed, ready to mount hardware,
:: :: :: :: tiller preference?
:: :: ::
:: :: :: :: • Shaped wood rudder, ready to glass and finish?
:: :: ::
:: :: :: :: • I prefer to build my own?
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: Thanks,
:: :: ::
:: :: :: :: Ethan
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