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Author: Alan Taylor ( contact the author
Subject: Paint suggestions
Info: (23123 views) Posted: Thursday 4-15-10 06:23:05 AM
I've been happy with Interlux Brightside polyurethane. Both paint and primer are available from West Marine. If you are spraying you can buy their custom thinner and surface prep products.

:: Finished sanding the gunwales and around the drain
:: holes, no looking for suggestions on primer and paint
:: for a 32 year old windmill?
:: :: Thanks. It is tonight's project.
:: ::
:: :: :: Plug the hole with some dowel stock, use some 5min epoxy
:: :: :: to make sure it doesn't move. Also make it flush with
:: :: :: the transom. Now you can redrill the hole off-set to the
:: :: :: larger size.
:: :: ::
:: :: :: :: My stern drain holes are leaking around the rubber
:: :: :: :: stoppers and I want to correct this by boring bigger
:: :: :: :: holes and putting in a about a 1/2" pvc pipe with plug
:: :: :: :: in each hole. Problem: the existing holes are about
:: :: :: :: 1/8th inch from the bottom of the transom. Suggestions?

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