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Author: Bob
Subject: YouTube Videos of Windmills Sailing
Info: (12416 views) Posted: Tuesday 4-27-10 09:02:33 PM

:: :: My family is interested in Windmills. We have seen many
:: :: YouTube videos of Optimists sailing in a variety of
:: :: conditions, but are yet to find any videos of Windmills
:: :: sailing. If any of you Windmill sailors could put
:: :: together some videos and upload them onto YouTube it
:: :: would be a great service to the Windmill class.
:: :: Thanks :-)
:: There are now quite a few videos of Windmills racing
:: which can be seen on YouTube. They were taken during
:: last year's Regatta at Massabesic Yacht Club in New
:: Hampshire. The easiest way to get to them is to go to
:: our race committee's website at and
:: click on the link to our YouTube channel.

:: We really enjoyed having a great bunch of Windmill
:: sailors racing on our Lake that weekend and hope they'll
:: all return, with friends, next Sept. There's a link to
:: the Notice of Regatta on the home page.

:: Bill Dobe

:: Race Committee Chair

:: . Thank you very much, Bill. We enjoyed the videos. Hope you are lucky enough to have stronger wind this year.

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