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Author: Dave Ellis ( contact the author
Subject: Paint suggestions
Info: (24346 views) Posted: Tuesday 5-4-10 06:11:06 AM
I'll be the one to be brave enough to say that one does not have to use expensive marine paint on our boats. I have for years been using off-the-shelf Rustoleum on all my boats. The Contender got rave reviews among the fleet. "What did you use." I was evasive. My Windmills have had Rustoleum enamel since the 1980's. The advantage, besides price? Ease of application, doesn't give you funny looking kids due to the fumes AND it can easily be touched up without re-doing the whole hull. Dave Ellis

:: I've been happy with Interlux Brightside polyurethane.
:: Both paint and primer are available from West Marine. If
:: you are spraying you can buy their custom thinner and
:: surface prep products.
:: :: Finished sanding the gunwales and around the drain
:: :: holes, no looking for suggestions on primer and paint
:: :: for a 32 year old windmill?
:: ::
:: :: :: Thanks. It is tonight's project.
:: :: ::
:: :: :: :: Plug the hole with some dowel stock, use some 5min epoxy
:: :: :: :: to make sure it doesn't move. Also make it flush with
:: :: :: :: the transom. Now you can redrill the hole off-set to the
:: :: :: :: larger size.
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: :: My stern drain holes are leaking around the rubber
:: :: :: :: :: stoppers and I want to correct this by boring bigger
:: :: :: :: :: holes and putting in a about a 1/2" pvc pipe with plug
:: :: :: :: :: in each hole. Problem: the existing holes are about
:: :: :: :: :: 1/8th inch from the bottom of the transom. Suggestions?

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